Existence of the nation is stake due to the dangers of drugs. This video presents an overview of drug menace. It's about the illicit business of drug dealers, whose deadly invisible hands grab human's life. Destroying human's morality and dignity everywhere, and this country is no exception. The world has long been fighting against illicit drugs but nonetheless, they are getting closer to us.
Disclosure cases yearly average increase of 31,5%. After BKNN converted into BNN (National Narcotics Board Republic of Indonesia) which is more operational (2002) with the support of the community as well as vigorous activity by police. Number of cases that can be brought increased 17,8% (8.409 cases) in 2004 and 93,3% (18.252 cases) in 2005. With a population of Indonesia (BPS. 2004) 217.076.600 souls, then the number of drug abusers is estimated at 3.226 million people. The number of drug crimes suspects has increased from 4.924 persons (2001) to 22.780 persons (2005) or increased by an average 52,1% annually. Drug abusers in the group of respondents aged over 25 years represents the greatest percentage of the group compared to abusers in other age groups. Since 2001-2005, has successfully seized narcotic drug types, including: cannabis and its derivatives (144,2 tons, 955.234 stems), heroin (91,8 kg), morphine (18 grams), and cocaine (68,3 kilograms). Program eradication area in 2000-2006 year: 7,6 hectares (2000); 23 hectares (2001); 68,5 hectares (2002); 44 hectares (2003); 113,7 hectares (2004); 67,33 acres (2005); and 57 hectares (May 2006). Since the year 2001-2005, the goods confiscated psychotropic type ATS, among others : ecstasy (886,515 tablets) and shabu (514 463 grams). 
Watching our children's innocent and sincere faces world touch our emotion. Watching them grow up would certainly makes us filled with pride. They are the future pillars of the nation, but life is not always as beautiful as we except it to be. A waiting is the hidden faceless crime, ready to grab and crush our children. Drugs : cannabis, cocaine, morphine, heroin, shabu, ecstasy, and many more. Thousands, even millions of young people are threatened to be the slaves of the condemned drugs, because drugs are now within reach everywhere. On the streets, at recreation centres, hotels, schools, offices, even in our neighborhood. The world is now borderless, various means have been used to spread illicit drugs into this country. Beware of the circulation of drugs, by air, by sea, by land, or by others means of transportation. No longer is Indonesia a mere transit country, but tragically, Indonesia has been made the drug-producing home base. Thousand, millions of young people have become the victims of drugs. Many families have been devastated because of the misconduct of addicted family members. Drug are taken by way of smoking, sniffing, swallowing, or injecting. Once addicted, there is no way to escape of the peril. Drug addicts become physically and mentally dependent on and have cravings for drugs of higher dose. The body has become the slave of a moment's pleasure. This is the beginning of life destruction. There is no more common sense within themselves. They will strive to get the drugs, no matter what it takes. due to drugs, all beyond the control of reason such as robbing..swindling..stealing..mugging..they have neither fear nor share. Various legal measures have been taken to prevent and cut drugs trafficking. But victims continue to fall, thousands of young people have lost their lives and died for nothing. Thousands of families grieve and suffer. The country sobs and mourns. But more tragic are drug users with injection, for they are vulnerable to contracting hepatitis and HIV-aids. Sharing contaminated needles has been the major cause of spreading HIV-aids infection from one addict to another. HIV-aids..once contracted, the victims cannot be cured, wounds, and injuries cannot be healed. Life will have no meaning and be of no value. Becoming an ultimate burden and painful scar of life. Hurting..suffering..and eventually dying for nothing. There is always a path to take for retreat. There is always an opportunity to repent. There are a number of ways toward recovery. Always keep in mind, our addicted children are the victims, do not feel ashamed of them, help them to recover, accept them with love and compassion. We fight against drugs with faith and devotion.
Drugs destroy the moral of our generation. Let's join hands to fight against drug together.
Fight against drugs with sports. Without drugs, we can reach our ambition. Fight against drugs with music. With positive activities, studies for achievements.
Period January-April in 2008 year : 9.096 cases and 11.950 persons (death sentence : 72 persons, for life : 6 persons, 15-year sentence : 1 person, already executed : 5 persons, and die in prison : 1 person).
Who deserves the death penalty only for dealers and drug dealers.
We should not be defeated in the fight against criminals,  above all not by drugs syndicates. Stop taking drugs and stop getting involved in drugs. Let's save our people and make them a smart, healthy, and great nation. (2005)
Drugs are not child's play. Look! How beautiful a healthy life is! Playing, learning, achieving, and succeeding. Love your life.. Love yourself.. And love others.. Let's hand-in-hand declare war against drugs. Let's save our young generation. Let's declare drugs as our nation's number-one enemy. Let's save our people from the harm of drugs.
Say no to drugs!!
copyright:National Narcotics Agency@2008(www.bnn.go.id)


febry riyanto said...

god job.

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