Heal The World - Michael Jakson

There's place, in your heart, and I know that it is love
And this place, could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you, really try, you'll find there's no need to cry
In this place, you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow
There are, ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space.. Make a better place..

Heal the world, make it better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying, if you care enough for the living
Make a better place, for you and for me

If you want, to know why, there's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong, it only cares for joyful giving
If we try, we shall see, in this bliss, we cannot feel
Fear or dread, we stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always, love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, and make a better world

(Back to Chorus)
And the dream we were, conceived in wall reveal a joyful face
And the world we once, believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life, wound this earth crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly, be god's glow

We could fly, so high, let our spirits never die
In my heart, I feel you are all my brothers
Create the world, with no fear, together we'll cry happy tears
See the na-tions turn their swords into plowshares

We could, really get there, if you cared enough for the living
Make a little space... To make a better place...

There are people dying, if you care enough for the living
Make a better place... For you and for me.. 
There are people dying, if you care enough for the living
Make a better place... For you and for me..

You and for me (Make a better place)
You and for me (Make a better place)
You and for me (Make a better place)
You and for me (Heal the world we're living)
You and for me (Save it our children)
You and for me (Heal the world we're living)
You and for me (Save it our children)
You and for me (Heal the world we're living)
You and for me (Save it our children)


Failure Is Not The End But The Start

Have you ever failed in your life? Everyone wants to reach whatever he dreams but sometimes he or she get nothing or fail. And usually he or she will lose hope and get stressed, that is a common thing that everyone does, but it's the worst thing. If you fail, do not let yourself drowned is desperation. Desperation only makes a space between you and your success.
Make something positive to be your disappointment of failure and do not regret it. Regret the failure failure is only done by the foolest ones. No good outcomes for being in sorrow for long time, that it useless. Remember! "Life is struggle."
To reduce out disappointment of failure, we should do something useful in this life. So, why do you not try to do these alternatives below? Who knows these ways can help you.
  1. Make yourself busy (in this case, do something positive).
  2. Make your mind clear.
  3. Join your friends.
  4. Failure bring us to a wise measure.
  5. Deep patience and resignation (trust in God who orders everything).


Tips For Working Parents

Family life has changed dramatically. Two decades ago, more children had an employed father and housemother. Today, many have two parents who are outside the home, or live in single parent household when the one parents works.
What does it mean for children to grow up with no parent at home, available all day? Here, there are tips for working parents gathered from their own kids.


True Friend

For being true friend is needed something to be true friend given. But if they can do it, he will never be forgotten by their friends. Indeed, so difficult to be true friends exactly, but these ways below will help you to be a true friend.
  1. We must understand how our friends' attitude.
  2. Try to know their privacy.
  3. Understanding their background (especially about their family).
  4. Being a friend anytime.
  5. Can save their secrets that is trusted in you.
  6. Don't ever betray them.
  7. Be able to forget their bad things and always remember their kind-hearted.
Everyone wants to be a true friend for their friends. But sometimes they don't know how to be. Sometimes, they make mistakes in theit relationship, they forget that everyone have privacy need. So, they will lose their true friends because their friends feel that she or he isn't be respect by them.


Beauty Is Inside

Women consider that beauty is important. But the beauty is not everything. Tell the truth, the beauty does not only come from the physical side, but also from inside.
Someone has the inner beauty though her face is not beautiful. The measure of the inner beauty can be seen through one's personality. Tell the truth, the inner beauty takes an important role in social intercourse. Those who have the inner beauty will never show the gloomy face.
How to have the inner beauty?

Be your own person and don't imitate others! You have to be able to receive yourself either more or less. Don't ever feel you are more or less than others. Be your self and you'll feel calm. Of you imitate others, you'll feel tired in your life.

Be self-confident is not the same as boring arrogant. It's very important for everyone to have the self-confidence. You should believe that God creates human beings by having their own potential. The potential between one person to another is different. Because of that, you should develop your potency and talent.

Don't ever feel jealousy of your friends that have great potential and talent. If your friends can do something, why you don't try to achieve what your friends get. The only way to get rid of jealousy is by trying as much as you could. Don't ever think that the feeling of jealousy never influence your face. The habit of humiliating others will always be your pleasure.

Make the habit of being thankful to God as your lifestyle. Try not to complain when you do something unsatisfying. You should thank God for having the health body, harmonious family, good friends, good job, etc. Develop the feeling thank to God will make your face shine brightly.

If you take enough sleep, automatically your face will look so fresh and bright. Do you want to get the fresh and bright face? Avoid sleeping after midnight.

The healthy body will make you more energetic. If you want to have the healthy body, it's better for you to take the right exercise suitable with you. For example : running, jogging, swimming, etc.

Everybody approciates those who are humble. A girl will lok she has the inner beauty when she shows her humility to others.

It's important for everyone, more over girls, to maintain the cleanliness. I can't imagine when girls do nit care about environment. I think, it's unsuitable when they are called that they have the inner beauty.

Generally, the meanings of discipline are not lazy, on time, be responsible, and willing to make effort.

It's very important to manage the emotion. How can a girl be called that she has the inner beauty while she easily get angry? When you have the character like this, you should try to decrease it.

One will appreciate you when you never differenciare him or her. Don't make friends only with those who are rich, clever, beautiful, etc. To differenciate others will hurt friends. Though your friends are from the poor, try to treat them well. Remember that everyone is equal.

Last but not least is to keep smiling. Don't ever think that smiling is common and unnecessary. Smiling is very simple, but it makes and important role. Smiling is considered the key of the inner beauty. You can imagine, what other people will say when you are glommy. Trust me! By smiling, other people will consider you a kind and nice person.

Readers, what I write down here is so simple, but the most important thing for you is to follow those steps in your life, okay? Let's try guys!! :)


4 Cara Mencegah Asam Urat

Sebagian besar makanan memang mengandung purin. Purin adalah satu kelompok struktur kimia pembentuk DNA. Di samping itu, perlu juga dihindari makanan atau minuman yang menggunakan ragi, misalnya roti, tapai, brem, apem, dan minuman beralkohol.

Asam urat yang tidak terpakai oleh tubuh akan dikeluarkan melalui air seni. Karena itu, perbanyak minum air putih. Dengan banyak minum, tentu akan sering buang air seni, sehingga kristal asam urat akan ikut terbuang. Dalam sehari usahakan minum minimal 2,5 liter air putih atau sekitar 10 gelas.

Bagi orang yang pernah menderita asam urat tinggi hindari kondisi tubuh terlalu lelah. Sebab pada orang-orang tertentu, kelelahan membuat metabolisme tubuh terganggu, sehingga kadar asam urat darah meningkat.

Bila memiliki riwayat penyakit ginjal, jangan sembarangan minum obat. Sebab obat-obatan tertentu bisa mempengaruhi fungsi ginjak. Fungsi ginjal yang terganggu membuat metabolisme tubuh terganggu. Jika itu terjadi, asam urat dalam tubuh bisa meningkat.

USB Flashdisk Sebagai Pengganti Bootable CD/DVD

Saya yakin sebagian besar kebanyakan dari Anda menggunakan CD atau DVD untuk menggunakan instalasi sistem operasi. Tentunya Anda juga membutuhkan CD atau DVD Drive.

Bagaimana jika ada salah satu komputer atau laptop yang tidak memiliki CD atau DVD Drive? Nah pada posting ini saya akan memberikan sedikit cara membuat USB flashdisk menjadi bootable untuk menginstall sistem operasi pada windows 7.

Ada beberapa tekhnik yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat flashdisk Anda bootable, antara lain Native dari Windows itu sendiri dan External party software.

Tapi saya akan memposting dengan menggunakan cara pertama, yaitu native dari windows.

Syaratnya :
  • Minimal flashdisk Anda berkapasitas 4 GB, sebab windows 7 itu sendiri berkapasitas 3 GB.
  • Diumpamakan sistem operasi yang Anda gunakan sekarang adalah Windows Vista atau Windows 7 (Windows XP juga bisa cuma ada beberapa langkah yang berbeda). Pada post ini, saya menggunakan Windows 7.

Caranya adalah :
  1. Tentunya Anda harus memasukan USB Port tersebut.
  2. Berikutnya Anda buka Command Prompt dengan cara Start - All Program - Accessories -  Command Prompt. Klik kanan pada Command Prompt kemudian pilih "Run As Administrator". Jadi ingat harus Run As Administrator, apabila Anda meng-klik seperti biasa, maka hasilnya tidak memuaskan.
  3. Ketik perintah diskpart, maka prompt akan berubah menjadi DISKPART>
  4. Kemudian ketik list disk, untuk menampilkan disk yang tersedia pada komputer.
    Diatas merupakan contoh gambar yang menunjukkan bahwa Disk 0 adalah harddisk saya yang berkapasitas 233GB dan Disk 1 adalah flashdisk saya yang berkapasitas sekitar 8GB.
  5. Lakukan format terlebih dahulu pada flashdisk kita. (Jangan lupa untuk mem-backup data-data Anda, apabila ada penting yang harus diselamatkan sebelum hilang). Dengan cara mengetik perintah-perintah berikut :
    Select disk 1 (adalah disk yang ingin format, silahkan sesuai dengan keperluan Anda)
    Creat partition primary
    Select partition 1
    Format fs=NTFS
  6. Setelah berhasil di format, selanjutnya kita akan membuat flashdisk kita menjadi bootable dengan bantuan utilitas bootsect yang terdapat pada Windows Vista maupun Windows 7. Masih pada Command Prompt yang sama, mari lanjutkan. Masukkan DVD Windows 7 pada DVD Drive komputer kita, lalu ubahlah ke direktori dimana DVD tersebut berada, dengan perintah :
    CD D:\BOOT

    (Dengan umpamakan DVD Drive saya adalah D)
  7. Gunakan bootsect, untuk membuat flashdisk kita menjadi bootable. Caranya adalah dengan mengetikkan perintah :
    (Saya umpamakan flashdisk saya berada pada Drive Letter G:)
    Sekarang Anda dapat menutup Command Prompt Anda.
  8. Copy-lah semua instalasi yang ada pada DVD Drive Anda (dalam contoh saya drive D) ke flashdisk Anda (dalam contoh saya drive G). Bila telah di copy, sekarang flashdisk Anda telah menjadi bootable!
Tidak pecaya? Anda bisa mencobanya sendiri..
Semoga posting ini bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda!

Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Blog di 40 Mesin Pencari

  1. Kunjungi Submit Express dengan klik disini.
  2. Kemudian, Anda klik Free Submission atau klik disini.
  3. Selanjutnya Anda lengkapi kotak-kotak yang tersedia dalam web tersebut, yaitu URL, Email, Name, Phone Number, dan Country.
  4. Lalu isi kode rahasia dan klik Newsletter.
  5. Setelah semuanya terisi, Anda klik "submit now".
  6. Selesai.
Let's try it! :)

How To Improve Your Memory

The human brain is very powerful. The average adult human brain only weigh about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information that most computers. How ever, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers don't forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we don't usually have to. But some people have a better memory than other people - or at least, some people can remember some things better than other people can. For example, Mozart once listened to a piece of music for the first time, and then he immediately sat down at the piano and played it perfectly from memory. But his memory wasn't - his wife often had to remind him what day it was!

Everyone can improve their memory if they want to. Here are some tips. All of them are helpful, but none of them can make your memory 100% perfect.

  • Try to use new information immediately. For example, if you meet someone who says "Hi! I'm Carlos," don't just say "Hello.." Repeat the person's name. Say "Hello, Carlos."
  • If you have to remember something that's big, break it into smaller sections. For example, it's hard to memorize 109244153. But if you break it into three sections - 109/244/153 - its becomes easier.
  • Always review information. If you bring this you've learned back to your mind, they become more memorable. For example, before you go to sleep it's a good idea to remind yourself of he new things you learned that day. They'll be easier to remember the next day.
  • Relax - nothing is easy to learn if you're stressed.
  • Above all, never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory, and everyone's memory gets better if they use it often enough.


Tips Berwirausaha

Perhatikan siapa yang patut diteladani atau cocok digunakan sebagai mentor untuk melatih atau meniru bakat bisnisnya.

Dekati orang pintar tersebut, belajarlah darinya.

Kuasai, jangan hanya jadi tangan kanan. Kalau bisa jadilah jantung yang mengerti semua otak bisnis atau ilmunya. Kuasai juga jaringan bisnisnya.

Terapkan, segala ilmu, jaringan bisnis, dan segala sesuatu yang sudah didapatkan harus dilakukan.


7 Rahasia Sukses

Sesuatu yang diniatkan secara baik, akan berjalan dengan baik.

Menjaga kesungguhan dan ketetapan hati melalui motivasi untuk terus bangkit dan berprestasi.


Beramal dapat melipatgandakan penghasilan dari jalan yang tidak pernah diduga sebelumnya.

Jika usaha maksimal, doa harus selaras agar seimbang.

Jika Tuhan tidak menghendaki jalur kesuksesan dalam suatu bidang, pasti Tuhan telah menyiapkan jalan lain. Asal kita tetap sabar dan terus berdoa kepada-Nya.

Rela dengan sepenuh hati utuk ridho terhadap hasil yang diterima.



My boat of hope
Sailing in the silence
Keeping the note
For my future
Not in violence
Passing the day
It goes stronger
My pray of hope
Crushing the dawn
And in the edge of clouds
I just hope that they
Let me be mine

In The Depth Of My Heart

My heart is broken
There is a wound
That rests inside
Because my love doesn't reply
I bury this feeling
And it make me hurt
Because your love never be
I am still waiting
'Till the end of my life
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